Friday, November 28, 2008

Wei-Ling Gallery

Title: Emerging Promises
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 183cm x 138cm
Year: 2008

Title: Infectious Desires
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 183cm x 138cm
Year: 2008

1 comment:

Steve (My Dog Ate Art) said...

Good morning to you Yau Bee Ling and greetings from Plymouth UK to Malaysia.

I have to say I am bowled over by your use of colour – it’s lovely. There is a great strength in there and I am reminded of some early twentieth century modernism .

So - why am I contacting you ?

Well –I hope as an artist you will appreciate the idea behind the following -

In a somewhat random act of artistic interaction I have come across your blog next to mine at this point in cyberspace and time. Have a look at my blog – I have placed a link on it for your site – for a month or so - under the heading "My Dog Ate Blogs" – take a look.

Once you have had a look - if you fancy being a permanent part of this blog just say yes and I will put a permanent link for you on my site blog-roll - “My Dog Has Eaten These Blogs and Says Yum Yum” – I have regular visitors from 45 countries (and counting) and regular followers – again from all over the world -from Argentina via the USA to Indonesia – so if you like the idea of lots more people from all corners of the globe paying you a visit – come and join !

In return all I would like is a link somewhere on your site.

Have a look and see what you think.

By the way - if you want to print out any of my images - feel free - some are quite nice ( I hope) – just tell your friends where you found them – and remember a lot of my work is for sale.

Hope you find my site interesting as well.

Best wishes from Plymouth UK !

(Steve Clement-Large : My Dog Ate Art )